Friday, September 18, 2009


Directed by: Brad Bird, Jan Pinkava
Written by: Brad Bird, Jan Pinkava, Jim Capobianco
Studio: Pixar Studios
Starring: Patton Oswalt, Lou Romano, Brad Garrett
Rated: G

About the film:
A young rat has a passion for cooking and finds himself with the unique opportunity to showcase his culinary skills at a famous French restaurant. But though his food may be heavenly, will anyone accept his talents once they find out that he’s vermin?

Movie Quote:
“Change is nature, the part that we can influence, and it starts when we decide.”
Remy (Patton Oswalt) in Ratatouille (2007)

Bible Quote:
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.”
Revelation 3:15 (KJV)

For a common rat, Remy has a remarkable handle on the eternal truths that shape this world. We would all do well to heed his words which reflect an understanding far beyond his rodent exterior.

The key to Remy’s comment is found in the latter part of his quote… “it starts when we decide.” Because God granted us the incredible power of free will, our decisions become the catalyst for great things to take place in our lives.

The four D’s of a disciplined life are (in order of their occurrence): Decision, Desire, Details, and Deliverance. We decide to believe or to take an action. Based on that decision, we begin to desire to see the results of the decision. We then must faithfully continue to take the action(s) required by our initial decision. And, in time, we will receive the results or the deliverance that is promised by our God.

Often, we try to skip the decision-making step to let desire rule our lives. That is always a grievous mistake. God gave us free will and a sound mind to exercise it. When we do, according to His standards, the results will not only please God… they will greatly exceed our own expectations. When we don’t, we open ourselves up to two other “Ds” deception and disappointment.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What decisions had to be made by the characters in this film for the story to have the happy ending it did?
2. The catch phase “Anyone Can Cook” can be modified and applied to a Christian viewpoint. What scriptures indicate God’s willingness to accept anyone into His family?

Michael Elliott

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