Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Directed by: Brad Silberling
Written by: Dana Stevens
Studio: Warner Brothers
Starring: Nicholas Cage, Meg Ryan, Andrew Braugher
Rated: PG-13

About the film:
An angel falls in love with a female heart surgeon and allows her to see him. Without telling her that he’s an angel, he establishes a relationship with her. As the emotions grow deeper, he knows that he has to tell her the truth. He then learns of a drastic measure that can be taken that will allow them to be together.

Movie Quote:
“Some things are true whether you believe in them or not.”
Seth (Nicolas Cage) in City of Angels (1998)

Bible Quote:
“What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true and every man a liar.”
Romans 3:3-4a (NIV)

I suppose angels see more disbelief than any other being as they observe us living our lives. Seth has the right perspective. Whether someone believes is not the defining element of truth.

John 17:17 says it most succinctly: “Your Word is truth.” It does not go on to say ‘only if we choose to believe it.’

Scriptures (both Old and New Testaments) repeatedly testify to the integrity of the truth God has established in His Word. He has not left it for man to define what truth is. We are called to seek the truth, study the truth, obey the truth, and believe the truth. But God has already defined it.

He has set the standard and He is faithful to honor it. Psalms 100:3 states that His truth endures to all generations. The truth of God’s will continue to exist whether men believe or not.

While there have been times in history when only a few men were faithful to believe God’s Word, this fact never changed or affected the integrity and power of the Word. Yes, it is our believing that activates that power, but the potential is always present because the truth is always there.

In a world that so often disappoints, it is comforting to understand that God has given us such a firm foundation upon which we may build our lives.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What kind of angel is Seth and what are the characteristics that the Word uses to describe them?
2. Would you have made the choice Seth made? Why or why not?

Michael Elliott

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