Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Directed by: Tony Scott
Written by: Michael Schiffer
Studio: Hollywood Pictures
Starring: Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman, Matt Craven
Rated: R

About the film:
Tensions run high aboard the USS Alabama, a nuclear submarine which finds itself in the middle of an escalating conflict. Due to a possible coup in Russia, the likelihood of rebel forces gaining control of a missile site is dangerously high. Without clear orders, the captain of the sub decides to prepare for a nuclear assault upon the USSR. His second in command strongly disagrees.

Movie Quote:
“You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity.”
Hunter (Denzel Washington) in Crimson Tide (1995)

Bible Quote:
“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.”
1 Peter 2:15 (NIV)

The XO of the USS Alabama is reproving a shipmate for responding with violence to a stupid and thoughtless comment made by another sailor. He knows what God tells us in His Word. In our lives, we will be provoked countless time by, what will appear to us to be, stupidity beyond belief.

Ignorance is anything but bliss. Dealing with it can be a frustrating, even infuriating experience. We can often be tempted to respond in less than a loving, patient way when confronted with it. There’s simply no profit in that. Acting stupidly will only fuel the fires of stupidity.

We should remember that our actions and motivations are not dictated by outside forces. With our steps guided by love and our words girded with God’s truth, we may exercise long-suffering by calmly countering ignorance with sound logic.

Light has no intellectual limits. As we act according to God’s will, the spiritual light which we reflect can reach even to the darkest recesses of the human mind. The example of our lives, even in the face of stupidity, can and will have a positive impact.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. When faced with obeying a direct order which goes against one’s beliefs and principles, what action should be taken? Upon what do we base our decisions?
2. What procedures has God outlined in His Word that addresses how to handle a disagreement among believers?

Michael Elliott

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