Monday, September 14, 2009


Directed by: Mike Nichols
Written by: Neil Simon
Studio: Universal Studios
Starring: Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken, Corey Parker
Rated: PG-13

About the film:
The sequel to Neil Simon’s autobiographical play, Brighton Beach Memoirs, this film traces Eugene’s military training as he endures boot camp in Biloxi, Mississippi under the watchful eye of a borderline psychotic drill sergeant.

Movie Quote:
“You’re always sanding around watching what’s happening, scribbling in your book what other people do. You have to get in the middle of it. You have to take sides. Make a contribution in the fight. Any fight. The one you believe in.”
Arnold Epstein (Corey Parker) in Biloxi Blues (1988)

Bible Quote:
“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot I wish you were either one or the other: So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
Revelation 3:15-16 (NIV)

When Epstein confronts Eugene because the latter is always commenting in his journal but never participating in the events about which he writes, it serves as a wake-up call and turning point for the young writer. It should do the same for us.

Throughout the Bible, God exhorts us to make choices – A choice between good and evil; a choice between right and wrong; a choice between life and death. It should be noted that not making a choice is, in reality, a choice unto itself. But it is not a choice that will bring us God’s blessings or benefits.

Spiritually speaking, if we straddle the fence or try to stay neutral regarding life and what we believe, we place ourselves in a weak and untenable position. We completely remove ourselves from the protective covering of God which makes us vulnerable to our enemy’s attacks. It is not what God wants for us.

We have been given a tremendous purpose and responsibility. We have not been called by God to be observers of this life. Instead, He desires that we become active participants in the spiritual competition of life. As we grow in our believing and in our knowledge and understanding we can make greater and more meaningful contributions to the fight. To make the most of this life we have been given, we have to take ourselves off of the sidelines and get in the game.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What is the main reason people have for not making a choice on important issues? How might we combat that tendency in ourselves?
2. What was the main reason Eugene changed?

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