Friday, September 4, 2009


Directed by: Morton DaCosta
Written by: Betty Comden, Adolph Green
Studio: Warner Brothers
Starring: Rosalind Russell, Forrest Tucker, Fred Clark
Rated: Not Rated

About the film:
A socially unconventional aunt is appointed guardian of her orphaned nephew although she is constantly under the scrutiny of the executioner of her brother’s will. She raises young Patrick, through the Great Depression, to appreciate life and all of its vibrancy despite the interference that comes from more negative influences that surround him.

Movie Quote:
“Life’s a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.”
Mame Dennis (Rosalind Russell) in Auntie Mame (1958)

Bible Quote:
“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry; and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 635 (NIV)

Auntie Mame was right. Most people are starving… blind to the banquet that is available to those who believe in God’s promises.

Life is spiritual and unless one is aware of that simple but overwhelming truth, it is impossible to claim the many blessings God wants to shower upon us.

There is absolutely no reason why we should ever go hungry spiritually. We have a God who is ready, willing, and able to feed us to full capacity. He has a limitless supply of nourishment and has given us Jesus Christ to show us the way to the banquet table.

And what a feast there is for those who follow the way… Knowledge, wisdom, health, peace, prosperity, joy, love… these are just some of the menu items that are available to us each and every day.

Then, once we are fed, we have the privilege to serve others. We can seek out those who are hungry for truth. We can lead them to the table of God’s Word. We can teach them how to receive the bounty that God so dearly wants them to have. We can show them how not to go hungry.

Questions to consider while watching the film:

1. What are some biblical examples where God figuratively uses food as an illustration for spiritual knowledge?
2. Is Auntie Mame a good influence on her nephew? What qualities is she teaching the young man that will benefit him in his life ahead?

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