Sunday, March 28, 2010


Directed by: Jake Kasdan
Written by: Jake Kasdan
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Bill Pulman, Ben Stiller, Ryan O’Neal, Kim Dickens
Rated: R

About the film:
Daryl Zero is the world’s greatest detective, able to quickly piece together fragments of clues in order to solve his case. His only problem is that he is so socially inept he requires the use of a front man in order to interact with those who hire him.

Movie Quote:
“For every event, there is a cause and effect. For every crime, a motive; and for every motive, a passion. The art of research is the ability to look at the details and see the passion.”
Daryl Zero (Bill Pullman) in Zero Effect (1998)

Bible Quote:
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
1 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

Zero’s methodology of criminal research actually mirrors a key principle to biblical study. The scriptures say that God has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness. The availability of God’s Word allows us the opportunity to grow closer to Him. But it requires our ability to read His words while seeing the truth they represent.

“Rightly dividing” the Bible requires diligence, commitment, perseverance, and faithfulness. Above all, it requires a considerable amount of meekness as we must be willing to research the Word without forcing our own preconceived and prejudicial ideas into what we read. We must learn to read the Word… not read into the Word. To rightly divide means to “make a straight cut.” There is only one interpretation that has significance or power – God’s.

The benefits of honestly “working the Word” are innumerable. As we closely examine all the details which God has woven into His Word and see how they fit so perfectly together, we can understand more clearly His divine nature which includes the passionate and unconditional love He has for us.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. If there is one way to “rightly divide” the Bible, why is there so much doctrinal disagreement between the various Christian denominations?
2. If everything in the Bible was given to us by a perfect and infallible God, why do there seem to be discrepancies in the text? What are we to do as “workmen” when we come across an apparent discrepancy?

Michael Elliott

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