Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Directed by: Alex Kendrick
Written by: Alex Kendrick, Stephen Kendrick
Studio: Destination Films / Samuel Goldwyn Films / Sherwood Pictures
Starring: Alex Kendrick, Shannen Fields
Rated: PG

About the film:
A losing coach with an under-performing team faces the all too real possibility of also losing his job. At the end of his rope, he rededicates himself and his team to God. As he rediscovers his faith, his team discovers their untapped potential.

Movie Quote:
We weren't supposed to have a winning season, but we do. We weren't supposed to advance to the playoffs, but we did. We're not supposed to be here, but we are.
Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick) in Facing the Giants (2006)

Bible Quote:
“And he said, ‘The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.’”
Luke 18:27 (NIV)

People who say, “I can’t,” “It’s too hard,” or “It’s impossible,” are generally proven to be right. Not because they’ve correctly surmised the situation but because they tend to give up without trying. Grant Taylor and his football team decide to push against the odds facing them and, as a result, share the joyous experience of exceeding everyone’s expectations… including their own.

Keeping God involved in any of our endeavors, through prayer and supplication, is the best ingredient for success that I know. That’s not to say that we are to sit back and just believe for all our successes to be handed to us without effort. God expects us to do our best in all that we do. But when our best isn’t enough to get the job done, we can be assured that God is able and willing to do the rest.

Whenever we limit ourselves and our believing, whether it is due to fear, insecurity, or ignorance, we deprive ourselves of seeing the power of God prevail in our lives. God is greater than any obstacle we face or any adversity we meet. It is an easy reality to accept once we believe and let Him carry us through a few.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. The title suggests comparisons to David & Goliath. What similarities are there?
2. What are the figurative “giants” that must be faced by the various characters in this film?

Michael Elliott

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