Thursday, March 11, 2010

TROY (2004)

Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen
Written by: David Benioff
Studio: Warner Brothers
Starring: Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Diane Kruger
Rated: R

About the film:
A non-mythical telling of the Trojan War, the film begins with Paris, a prince of Troy, stealing Helen, wife of the Spartan king, who turns to his brother Agamemnon for help to restore his honor. Agamemnon marshals an immense army to sail against Troy. Leading the charge is Achilles, a great Greek warrior who fights, not for Greece or Agamemnon, but for his own future glory. His counterpart is Hector, brother of Paris, who fights out of a sense of obligation and duty.

Movie Quote:
“I’ve fought many wars in my time. Some I’ve fought for land, some for power, some for glory. I suppose fighting for love makes more sense than all the rest.”
Priam, king of Troy (Peter O’Toole) in Troy (2004)

Bible Quote:
“From whence comes wars and fighting among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?”
James 4:1 (KJV)

Priam is looking to rationalize what he knows will be a bloody and deadly conflict. The love he has for his son causes him to try and justify the war he knows will follow. But he’s wrong.

Something tells me that, when we finally reach our heavenly home and look back upon our history as men, there will be little recorded about the wars we fought that will make spiritual sense.

God does tell us about war and why they happen. It has nothing to do with glory or honor or love. Wars occur because of our own weaknesses, fears, and frailties; because the human race, as a whole, too often fails to follow the path along which our God would have us walk.

Because we live in this world, we must deal with the reality of this world. Wars will continue to be waged as long as we are upon this earth. God tells us not to be surprised or terrified by this. Instead, He tells us to live with the hope and understanding that a day is coming when a new world will exist – a world without war, pain, or sorrow – a world worth waiting for.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. Why did Achilles choose to sail to Troy? Why was it important to him? Contrast his reasons for fighting with Hector’s reasons.
2. How could this war have been avoided? What actions could have been taken (or not taken) by the characters to prevent the tragedy that followed?

Michael Elliott

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