Sunday, December 13, 2009


Directed by: Tim Reid
Written by: Paul W Cooper
Studio: Republic Pictures
Starring: Al Freeman Jr., Phylicia Rashad, Paula Kelly
Rated: PG

About the film:
A tightly knit black community must make a decision regarding racial discrimination when one of their own is being persecuted by a white businessman who is in competition with him.

Movie Quote:
“Books are like eggs. You got to crack ‘em open to get anything out of them.”
Miss Maybry (Polly Bergen) in Once Upon a Time… When We Were Colored (1995)

Bible Quote:
“In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ”
Ephesians 3:4 (NIV)

Miss Maybry gives a simple yet powerful illustration. Most of the time, in order to get what we want, it’s going to require an action on our part. Sitting and waiting for something to come to us is a sure way to be disappointed in this life.

God has said that He has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness. And He has. They are contained within the pages of the Bible. And yet, even though the Bible is a source of incredible power, if we never open it to read and study what it contains, it is merely a lifeless object – like a battery that is not connected to anything.

We can sit in our cars all day long, but if we never get behind the wheel, turn the key, put the car into gear and press on the gas, we won’t be going anyplace. It takes action on our part for the power of the car to become evident.

The same principle holds true with the Word of God. Only when we read and study the Word – when we believe and claim its promises and then act according to our believing – will the power of God become evident. Our own lives will become testimony to what God will do for those who love Him because we will manifest His power for all to see.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. God often communicates His truth to us by using analogies or comparative illustrations to help us remember them. What are some that come to mind?
2. A major theme to the film is the effects of racial prejudice. Upon what is prejudice based and what is the best way to diffuse it?

Michael Elliott

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