Monday, December 7, 2009

THE MUMMY (1999)

Directed by: Stephen Sommers
Written by: Stephen Sommers
Studio: Universal Pictures
Starring: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weicz, John Hannah
Rated: PG-13

About the film:
An ancient curse is inadvertently reversed by an archeologist/treasure hunter which brings back the mummified Egyptian priest Imhotep from the dead. As long as he walks the earth, no one will be safe from harm.

Movie Quote:
“We are part of an ancient secret society. For three thousand years we have guarded the City of the Dead. We are sworn at manhood to do anything and everything in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from ever being reborn into this world.”
Dr. Bey (Erick Avari) in The Mummy (1999)

Bible Quote:
“None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”
1 Corinthians 2:8 (NIV)

Dr. Bey’s explanation of the group to which he belongs gives the implication of a centuries’ old rivalry between forces of good and evil. It, of course, is a conflict which has spiritually raged as long as man has been on the earth.

Since the beginning of time, God had made known that a redeeming Messiah would be born into the world. It was an event which God’s people greatly anticipated and upon which they based their hope and believing. It was also something which the devil tried to prevent.

By tracing the genealogy of Jesus Christ, we can see the attempts that the devil has made throughout time to end the Christ line and stop the prophecy from being fulfilled. Beginning with the world’s first murder to Herod’s command to kill all infants less than 2 years of age, the devil used every means at his disposal to try to keep Jesus from being born into this world.

Ironically, the Scriptures state that had he known what the sacrifice of Jesus Christ would mean – that it would lead to the ability of all men to become born again of God’s spirit – he never would have had Jesus killed. What a testament to the awesome power that God has made available to us.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What does the Bible say about resurrection and how does it differ from what is depicted in the film?
2. What motivates the main characters of the story? Why are they compelled to seek for “the book of the dead?”

Michael Elliott

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