Wednesday, December 9, 2009

NIXON (1995)

Directed by: Oliver Stone
Written by: Stephen J. Rivels, Christopher Wilkinson, Oliver Stone
Studio: Hollywood Pictures
Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Joan Allen, Powers Boothe, Ed Harris
Rated: R

About the film:
Beginning with the Watergate burglary, this film traces the presidency of Richard Milhous Nixon, the only US President to resign from his office to avoid impeachment proceedings.

Movie Quote:
“Always remember: others may hate you. But those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.”
Richard M. Nixon (Anthony Hopkins) in Nixon (1995)

Bible Quote:
“If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them.”
Luke 9:5 (NIV)

The film depicts Nixon as a seriously flawed man but even a flawed man can have a moment or two of clarity. His quote is lucid and accurate. It also reflects a truth that has special meaning for us.

We don’t live for God in order to win a popularity contest. Jesus was very direct in his instruction to his disciples. There are those in this world who would rather we never said a single word or performed a single action that would further the movement of God’s Word in this world.

But we do not live to please those of this world. We do what we do to please God and it is His good pleasure that directs us to hold forth His truth to all men.

Not everyone will welcome the good news we have to share. But to respond to hatred or resentment with the same is not the course of action God would have us take. He has given us instruction that we can follow whenever we come across someone who is less than blessed with our presence.

The phrase “shaking the dust from your feet” in Luke 9:5 is an Oriental figure of speech that means to hold no resentment. We are to continually operate from a mindset of love and service. All we can do is to hold forth the truth. The onus to believe is on those who hear our words.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What character traits of Richard Nixon led to his downfall?
2. The film opens by quoting from Matthew 16:26. How could this verse have helped Nixon? What elements of our lives or actions might we consider changing in light of that scripture?

Michael Elliott

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