Friday, December 11, 2009

OH GOD! (1977)

Directed by: Carl Reiner
Written by: Larry Gelbert
Studio: Warner Brothers
Starring: John Denver, George Burns, Teri Garr
Rated: PG

About the film:
God appears to an assistant grocery store manager and asks him to carry a message from Him to the rest of the world. After a series of mishaps, the film ends with a courtroom scene as God Himself takes the witness stand.

Movie Quote:
Court Reporter: “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”
God: “So help me me.”
Judge: “So help you you?”
An exchange between God, the court reporter and the judge in Oh God! (1977)

Bible Quote:
“When God made His promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for Him to swear by, He swore by Himself.”
Hebrews 6:13 (KJV)

There is a truth repeated throughout the Bible which, when believed, brings comfort and peace to our hearts and minds. This fundamental truth allows us to walk without fear, live in hope, and love with complete assurance. That truth is simply this: It is impossible for God to lie.

Lying is contrary to God’s nature. It is not just improbable… it is impossible. Scripture after scripture attest to the qualities and nature of God. He is all light, all truth, all good, and all giving.

The benefit of this wonderful, rock solid truth becomes evident as we realize that God has given us His written Word. If God cannot lie, the Word He has given must contain truth. From Genesis to Revelation, His Word must be true. In its original form, there would have been no contradictions, no discrepancies, and no errors.

While all that is left to us are translations and versions of the original, many of which have been altered or changed by man’s influences, God has layered His Word with enough truth that a “workman of the Word” can still reach a level of spiritual understanding once attained by the first century followers of Christ. All it takes is diligent study, starting with the premise that since God cannot lie, all of His Word must be true.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. If you could as one question of God and be assured of an answer, what question would it be?
2. If all of God’s Word must be true, how do we explain the contradictions that are contained within the pages of the Bible?

Michael Elliott

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