Monday, October 12, 2009


Directed by: Barry Levinson
Written by: Roger Towne
Studio: TriStar Pictures
Starring: Robert Redford, Glenn Close, Robert Duvall
Rated: PG

About the film:
Roy Hobbs was a promising new baseball talent whose career was derailed by a chance encounter. Now at the age when most men retire from the sport, Roy is trying to get started.

Movie Quote:
“You’ve got a gift, Roy, but it’s not enough. You’ve got to develop yourself. Rely too much on your own gift and you’ll fail.”
Ed Hobbs (Alan Fudge) in The Natural (1984)

Bible Quote:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

Hobbs’ father is teaching his son some valuable truths. Regardless of one’s skills or longsuits, relying on one’s own natural abilities will only get a person so far. Having a natural aptitude for something is a great asset but it is only a beginning. It is available to reach beyond one’s self and achieve even greater results.

Our natural abilities, no matter how impressive, are inherently limited. We can only go as far as they can take us. But when we recognize that there is a source of strength, wisdom and power outside of us that we can tap into - that we can add to our limited abilities an unlimited supply of power and knowledge – we enter a new realm of limitless potential.

God’s vision for us will always be greater than the vision we have for ourselves. We often forget the resources that we have at our disposal that would enable us to achieve greater things. God knows. And He continually tries to remind us that no matter how good we may be at something… when we involve Him in our lives, we are infinitely better.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. Consider the role women play in this film. Discuss both the positive and negative attributes they demonstrate and compare them to scriptural examples.
2. Why did the Knights start playing better as a team once Roy Hobbs started to play with them? What spiritual truths does this bring to mind?

Michael Elliott

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