Friday, October 2, 2009


Directed by: William Dieterle
Written by: Dan Totheroh
Studio: RKO Radio Pictures
Starring: Edward Arnold, Walter Huston, Jane Darwell
Rated: Not Rated

About the film:
A farmer named Jabez Stone is, like many of his neighbors, going through some hard times. He makes a deal with the devil in order to gain seven years of prosperity. Afterwards, when it comes time to collect on the debt, orator Daniel Webster steps forward on behalf of the fearful farmer and challenges the devil in court on the basis that every man has the right to own his soul.

Movie Quote:
“A man can always change things. That’s what makes him different from the barnyard critters.”
Ma Stone (Jane Darwell) in The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941)

Bible Quote:
“In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent.”
Acts 17:30 (NIV)

We can thank God that the words of Ma Stone are true. One of the most magnificent abilities man has is his God-given ability to change. It is fundamental to our character and certainly essential to our spiritual walk. Without our ability to change, we would be doomed to be forever living with (or wallowing in) every single mistake we ever made. All we would have to look forward to is a lifetime of misery.

To repent is not merely to feel bad about doing something. Quite the contrary, God never commands us to “feel bad.” There is no deliverance or profit in having negative emotions. In fact, having such emotions will often lead us to self-condemnation which is something God specifically tells us to avoid.

True repentance indicates a change of behavior, attitude and thought. Repentance is more than an emotive reaction. It is a deliberate action or a change of direction. To repent requires the changing of one’s ways in order to return to the ways of God. Such an action will always have a dramatic and positive effect upon one’s life.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. In the film, Jabez makes a deal with the devil in order to gain prosperity. How do his actions contrast with the biblical story of Jabez recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10?
2. What are some biblical examples of men or women who chose to repent and what were the results of their decisions?

Michael Elliott

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