Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Directed by: Terry Gilliam
Written by: Richard LaGravenese
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Jeff Bridges, Robin Williams, Mercedes Ruehl
Rated: R

About the film:
After the ramblings of Jack, a radio “shock jock,” motivate one of his unbalanced listeners to commit a senseless act of violence, he finds personal redemption in trying to help one of the peripheral victims – Parry, a deranged, homeless man who claims to be seeking the Holy Grail.

Movie Quote:
“I don’t believe that God made man in his image.”
Anne Napolitano (Mercedes Ruehl) in The Fisher King (1991)

Bible Quote:
“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

Why does man have such a hard time believing what the Word of God asserts so clearly? Perhaps it is because we often force an interpretation upon it instead of delving more deeply into His Word to allow it to speak for itself.

Take the scripture cited from Genesis. For many, they interpret this verse by assuming that God looks like us. But that is not what the verse says. The verse reads that He created us in His own image. To understand the truth, we must then ask ourselves, what is the image of God?

The answer is provided in another section of the Bible. “God is spirit” John 4:24 states. Thus, the statement that we were made in God’s image must be a reference to the fact that God made or created a similar spirit within man.

Further study reveals that man was originally designed to be a threefold creation: Body (formed from the dust of the ground); Soul (made when God breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life; and Spirit (which is the very image and essence of God – and our eternal link to Him.)

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What logic does Anne use to back up her statement? How would you have responded to her?
2. How do Jack and Parry help heal each other? How does their relationship relate to God’s exhortation to us?

Michael Elliott

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