Saturday, August 29, 2009


Directed by: Michael O. Sajbel
Written by: Cheryl McKay
Studio: 20th Century Fox Entertainment
Starring: Drew Fuller, Abigail Breslin, James Gardner
Rated: PG

About the film:
A spoiled young man inherits not the riches he expected, but the keys to riches he never before dreamed were possible.

Movie Quote:
“Any process worth going through will get tougher before it gets easier. That’s what makes learning a gift, even though pain is your teacher.”
Howard “Red” Stevens (James Gardner) in The Ultimate Gift (2006)

Bible Quote:
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
Hebrews 12:11 (NIV)

What a tremendous life lesson (or series of lessons) that Red Stevens bestows upon his grandson Jason. If only more parental figures would recognize the importance of developing their young charges by providing them with challenges requiring self-discipline, patience, and restraint instead of providing for them everything they need or want without their having to exert an ounce of effort.

These are lessons that God teaches His children. True, He has given us all things. But that only means that all things are available to us. His abundance is ours as we discipline our lives and conduct ourselves according to His will. He gives to us freely but also desires that we freely renew our minds and frame our actions to the truths and principles of His Word. When we do, His blessings are showered upon us.

Of course, this is easier said than done. Disciplining one’s self requires the ability to change. And change can be hard. But as the scripture indicates, it has rewards later on. Change can be painful. But that pain is momentary and transitory. As we break through our bad habits and old man natures, we discover a truth and a way of life that so restores our souls that we have neither the time nor inclination to reflect on what we had to do to receive it.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What is the “ultimate gift” and why?

2. Consider each “lesson” that Jason receives. What scriptures does each one bring to mind and what are the benefits of learning them?

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