Friday, August 21, 2009

The Return of - well, kind of...

My name is Michael Elliott and for ten years I was the owner and film critic for the website I closed the site in 2008 due to time constraints and personal obligations but I continue to believe that its core concept – that movies can provide us with unique opportunities to practice our spiritual discernment – remains as valid today as when I began.

God, through His Word, gave us all things pertaining to life and godliness. A movie, which must reflect life in order to tell its story, must therefore also reflect, in some measure, elements of God’s Word. It may be hidden - it may be unintentional on the part of the filmmakers – but God’s Truth will always be found by those who choose to look for it.

In the blogs that will follow, I plan to resume one of the elements of my original website by using movie dialogue to spark spiritual commentary and discussion. I am believing that those who come to this blog will find these observations of interest and will benefit from them. As always, your comments and your additional insight are most welcome.

Michael Elliott
August 21, 2009

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