Sunday, July 3, 2011


Directed by: Ryan Murphy
Written by: Ryan Murphy, Jennifer Salt
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Julia Roberts, Javier Bardem, Richard Jenkins
Rated: PG-13

About the film:
A woman embarks upon a personal journey of self-discovery… leaving her everyday world behind to experience other cultures in the hopes to awaken a sense of who she is… or better yet… discover who she could be.

Movie Quote:
“That’s what you do. It isn’t who you are.”
Luca Spaghetti (Giuseppi Gandini) In Eat Pray Love (2011)

Bible Quote:
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
Proverbs 23:7a (KJV)

Doing and thinking are two completely separate acts. How often do we think about a situation without doing anything about it? Other times may find us doing something without giving it one moment of thought. Some people have even mastered the deceptive art of doing one thing while thinking another.

So why is it that people seem to want to define us by what we do? What we do is not nor has it ever been a good and accurate indicator of what is in our hearts. And, as God reminds us, what we hold in our hearts is the only true test of who we really are.

Actions may speak louder than words but our private, unprompted, uncalculated thoughts of the heart speak even louder. It is certainly what God sees and hears when he looks at us. Not our words or deeds… but our innermost thoughts.

Questions to consider while watching the film:

1. Why was Liz so dissatisfied with her life? How would you have counseled her?
2. Is Liz truly a “different” person at the end of the film? Why or why not?

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