Thursday, April 1, 2010


Directed by: Wolfgang Reitherman
Written by: Bill Peet
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Starring: Karl Swenson, Rickie Sorenson, Sebastian Cabot
Rated: G

About the film:
The animated adventure of a young boy named Wart who wants to be the squire of a knight. He is guided by a powerful wizard named Merlin who knows that Wart (eventually to be known as Arthur) will grow to become the future king of Camelot.

Movie Quote:
“Knowledge and wisdom is the real power.”
Wart (Rickie Sorenson) in The Sword in the Stone (1963)

Bible Quote:
“The fear (respect or reverence) of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
Proverbs 9:10 (KJV)

Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are desirable qualities indeed… especially when concerning spiritual matters. God be praised, they are readily available to anyone willing to expend the effort to obtain them. One shall lead to the other and they all lead to “real power.”

Getting them is as easy as putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Metaphorically speaking, each piece of the puzzle would equate to a separate piece of knowledge. The wisdom is simply the act of using the pieces as they were designed to be used – applying the knowledge (or pieces) appropriately. Understanding is seeing the big picture become clear as more and more pieces of knowledge become connected through the application of wisdom.

Spiritually, God has given us knowledge through His Word. When we apply that knowledge, we walk in wisdom. As we walk in wisdom, according to the truth (or knowledge) of His Word, our eyes of understanding will be opened as we shall know and manifest the exceeding greatness of His power.

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. Why was Arthur the one person who could pull the sword out of the stone? What lessons can we learn from this to apply in our own lives?
2. Merlin taught Wart by turning him into different animals. How did this help him? What can we learn by observing the animal kingdom?

Michael Elliott

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