Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Directed by: James Ivory
Written by: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, Christopher Reeve
Rated: PG

About the film:
A butler loyally follows his employer’s lead through World War I and beyond, at the risk of sacrificing his own life and personal happiness. As he looks back upon his life and relationships, we are left wondering what might have been had he followed through on his own desires and interests.

Movie Quote:
“I don’t believe a man can consider himself fully content until he has done all he can to be of service to his employer.”
James Stevens (Anthony Hopkins) in The Remains of the Day (1993)

Bible Quote:
“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men.”
Ephesians 6:7 (NIV)

Though Mr. Stevens may come to regret the words he has spoken, we need not share in that regret. The service which we perform in the name of God does not preclude us from pursuing activities to further our lives both at home and in our careers.

God’s exhortation to us extends to every aspect of our life, not just our churchgoing behavior on Sunday mornings. As His ambassadors, how we conduct ourselves in this secular world should always be a reflection of His goodness, His power, and His light.

By extending ourselves to the fullest of our potential in our various workplaces, be they secular or not, we are showing our obedience and faith in the God by whom all things are made possible. Being the best that God has made us to be is a witness in and of itself.

We are His ambassadors to this world in which we live. As ambassadors, we have a responsibility to serve God by representing Him in all that we do. That certainly includes our jobs and careers. The work ethic we demonstrate is often the stimulus that opens the door of witness as we explain to those who ask us why we work as hard as we do.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

Questions to consider while watching the film:
1. What specific examples of service can we find in the scriptures?
2. Was Stevens wrong in his sense of propriety? Why or why not? How could he have balanced his personal views and beliefs with his sense of duty and obligation to his employer?

Michael Elliott

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